These are some of the tools I use on a regular basis. Sometimes they very when new and shiny things come out - but I usually resort back to the original tool.
I was a long time VS Code user, when I was focused on more Go specific programming I used Goland. However, I recently gave Zed a try and was blown away by the auto-language detections - especially with a PHP project. Needless to say, I'm sold on Zed. The only thing its missing is a GUI for Git (but thats currently coming soon)
Also, when using this on a MacBook Pro display, its amazingly fast.
I tried, and failed, to use the default ZSH that ships with macOS but ended up moving back to oh my zsh as it was missing too much that I'm used to with oh my zsh. For the terminal itself, Ghostty just shipped and its strange to pick a terminal for its refresh rate, but it feels so snappy - especially on a new MacBook Pro display.
My setup changes often, but I tend to always stick to macOS and a MacBook Pro of some flavor. I'm a big fan of Linux, and currently have a custom desktop running PoP_OS!. For my primary machine, I'm using a MacBook Pro M4 Pro with 48 GB of RAM.